Power and Politics

Missing lawmaker, Banda, found in Kafue, said to be in stable condition by Minister Mwiimbu


Petauke Central Independent Member of Parliament (MP), Jay Banda, has been found by Zambia Police in Kafue after mysteriously going missing on Saturday.

He was initially taken to Medlands Hospital, then transferred by the police to Maina Soko Military Hospital for medical examinations.

Speaking during a press briefing in Lusaka on Monday, Home Affairs Minister, Jack Mwiimbu, said the MP was found alive, stable and was safe.

Read More: Govt denies alleged involvement in disappearance of lawmaker, Jay Banda

“Our colleague is in a safe environment until we thoroughly investigate the matter,” Mwiimbu assured.

He said the uncertainty of who was behind the alleged abduction called for the protection of Banda.

“We will do everything possible to ensure that the perpetrators of this heinous crime are brought to book,” he added.

Mwiimbu appealed to the public not to be misled by unverified information pertaining to the MP’s situation.

“There is no harm that is going to occur to our colleague,” he stated.

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