Power and Politics

Southern Province MMD leaders demand immediate convention to elect new leadership (video)


The Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) in Southern Province has petitioned the National Executive Committee to call for an inclusive convention to elect new leaders for the former governing party.

The party members have also passed a vote of no confidence in Acting Provincial Chairperson, Howard Ngulube, citing a lack of leadership.

MMD New Hope Southern Province leaders from all districts, led by Provincial Secretary Leonard Walenda, met in Mazabuka on Saturday.

They resolved that the party should call for an elective convention immediately to comply with the party constitution, which mandated electing leaders who do not serve more than two terms of five years each.

Speaking during the meeting, MMD Provincial Chairperson, Mushe Choolwe Chibale, stated that the tenure of their leader, Nevers Mumba, had ended in 2022 and that new leadership was needed to effectively drive the party.

Read More: Movement for Multi-Party Democracy may boil over calls for extraordinary convention (Video)

“The structures in the province are demanding that Acting Provincial Chairperson Ngulube steps down from his position as he has failed to lead the province and inspire confidence in members,” Chibale said.

The Southern Province MMD leadership’s call followed a similar petition from their Copperbelt counterparts, who also demanded an elective convention.

Additionally, founding MMD member, Cosmas Himoonga, based in Mazabuka, insisted that Mumba should step down, claiming he had nothing more to offer to the party and the nation.

Provincial Youth Chairperson, Golden Choopya, expressed concerns over why conventions have been delayed under Mumba’s leadership despite the MMD’s history of regularly holding them.

“We held conventions under Presidents Chiluba, Mwanawasa and Banda. Why is Nevers Mumba not allowing us to go for a convention? The people of Southern Province want a convention now,” Choopya demanded.

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